Organic Fungicide – Is fungicide organic? Not all natural fungicides are considered organic
Organic fungicide in citrus. If you are like me you might think twice before picking up a conventional product at the market. Next time you visit your grocery store think about whether you are selecting the best choice food products. Watch and listen to the below video on fungicides and how they can affect us. Help support organic products by shopping safely.
Did you know that popular citrus fruits, like oranges, grapefruit and mandarins, might also come with a dose of hormone-disrupting fungicides?
Recent tests commissioned by EWG found two hormone-disrupting fungicides, imazalil and thiabendazole, on nearly 90 percent of conventionally grown citrus fruit samples. And more than half of the samples tested contained both fungicides.
To learn more about fungicides on citrus, check out EWG’s Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce™ at